How to Address or Answer Interview Questions About Weaknesses

How to Address or Answer Interview Questions About Weaknesses

In this article, we delve into various strategies to help you tackle the common interview question about weaknesses.

Why do interviewers ask about weaknesses?

Like many interview questions, the interviewer seeks insights into your suitability for the role. Additionally, they aim to gauge your self-awareness regarding your weaknesses.

How to respond to questions about weaknesses?

Several approaches can guide your response to this type of question:

  1. Turn a negative into a positive:

One effective approach is to frame your answer in a way that transforms a weakness into a strength. For instance, if attention to detail is crucial for the role, you might mention a tendency to triple-check documents, thus highlighting your meticulousness, which aligns with the job requirements.

  1. Showcase improvements made:

Another approach involves identifying a genuine weakness and illustrating the steps you’ve taken to address it. This response showcases self-awareness and a proactive attitude towards personal development. Examples could include difficulties with complex spreadsheets, accompanied by efforts to enhance skills through study or training.

  1. Provide a non-essential weakness:

Alternatively, you can mention a weakness that is non-essential to the position. For instance, for a junior role like an Accountants Trainee, you might discuss a lack of developed leadership skills. Since leadership isn’t a primary requirement for this entry-level position, acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a willingness to grow in the role.


Mastering the art of addressing weaknesses during interviews is essential for presenting yourself as a well-rounded candidate. By employing strategies such as turning negatives into positives, showcasing personal growth, and highlighting non-essential weaknesses, you can navigate this question with confidence and professionalism. Remember, demonstrating self-awareness and a commitment to improvement can leave a lasting positive impression on interviewers.

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